Burning man proves that we have terrible government, whatever happened to do unto others?

1 year ago

Burning man is a disaster. Many people are stuck in the mud, and without help will die. And this is been going on for several days. We are supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Washington has forgotten this And Brandon who professes to be a Christian could care less about others in distress, unless the Ukrainians laundering money back to him. It’s time we all wake up and demand better government than what we have. I’m sure they used HAARP to cause this on usual storm. Are they trying to kill the American people? Why not sending aid food and water medical supplies by helicopter it sure looks like they’re trying to kill a lot of people. It’s time we all wake up. If we stand by is the say we aren’t next? Can you really trust Brandon and his handlers?
Some may think I’m being disrespectful, and you’re entitled to your opinion. I see an evil, and I’m speaking out against it. We should all be a palled by how our government doesn’t care about the American citizens. We need new people in office who actually do care about the American citizen. This is why election integrity is so important!
In order to beat these evil bastards, we must be at our best, physically, spiritually, mentally. We should turn off the television, especially the main stream news. We should get on our knees and pray more often, and we should only eat food that is actually good for us and go out of our way to find it .
I’m a prostate cancer survivor. I’m in remission. I was treated for stage 2 cancer with the cyber-knife at Georgetown University Hospital. After the treatment I became quite weak and could not workout for 6 months. Then I began lifting 240 lbs for my bench press with my Welder 1500X (identical to Bo-Flex). For the next year and a half lifting 3 times a week I plateaued at one set with 270 lbs. I started taking the root brands trinity pack and give me back my youth in mid February 2023. Since then I have grown substantially stronger and now do three sets of 10-12 reps of the bench press with 320 libs.
To learn more about these amazing products please go to https://therootbrands.com/GodWins

To help the victims of Maui stay away from the Red Cross as COL Chuck Sellers tells us and go to
https://malamalahaina.org to get money to the victims and not the deep state

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