Flamebroil part 44 - The Underbog [let's play World of Warcraft]

12 years ago

Flamebroil is a leveling series in (wow) World of Warcraft Cataclysm (soon to be in MOP Mists of Pandaria) - running Coilfang's Underbog today
Tauren Elemental Shaman 1-85 (horde) - mainly through quests and some dungeon runs
This series is also "unassisted" by guild perks or heirloom gear

Please remember to subscribe me @ http://www.youtube.com/user/maddrabbitx

Mods I use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow

Bartender 4 (adjusting the ui / action bars)
Recount (dps counter)
Bagnon (bag looks)
Titan Panel (top bar with map coordinates and more)
GatherMate 2 (mining and herb nodes on the minimap)
CrapAway (remove grey items automatically)
EasyMail (easier to take all items from the mail)
Auctionator (auction tool)

+ Having problems in game? a good site to check out is http://www.wowhead.com

+ LEARN YOUR CLASS AND ROLL BETTER!!! Go to http://www.noxxic.com

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