Comparison Trap

1 year ago

Have you ever fallen into the “comparison trap”? This is definitely an easy thing to do. Definitely a trap of the enemy that we can get out of if we don’t stay in it too long. The enemy of our soul, he has a plan using the “comparison trap” and it starts with comparison, but his motive is more sinister than that… he is looking to derail us from the purpose of God for our life.

Comparison is not the enemies main goal, the main goal is that comparison leads us to be discontent. Discontentment stirs up our soul and spirit in a negative way and it is very distracting. It takes our focus off of God. Intimes such as these, it is so important to know and hear the voice of God in our lives. We were created with a specific purpose in mind and our life in Him is all about Him developing us, shaping us purposefully so. Did you know we have “divine appointments” that only we can make. We miss out on the things God has planned for us when we are not focused on who we are, but are comparing ourselves to others. Our true identity is in Jesus Christ, and we should compare ourselves to Him and become like Him, the ONE Who is our future.

Comparison always seems to drift into ungodly paths one of them is truly a twisted, crooked path of envy of the wicked. We compare our lives with theirs and they seem to have money, power, position, authority and it seems they have all good things, but this is a limited viewpoint. For in all reality of truth they have nothing that will last, they may sprout like grass, but in the end it will all burn up because they have no future and hope. In times such as these, when evil is lifted up as good and good as evil, deception is prevalent in the all of our everything, we must focus up and stand on the truth of God. The truth is, the enemies of God will perish, they will flourish for a short time, but have not future, no exalted forever.

I hope and pray we side step that “comparison trap” of the enemy and keep on moving forward with God, letting Him design and shape us, because there is no one like us. We all were created in the Image of God, but God gave each of us our own fingerprint, and He is designing us uniquely to be the best “us” that we could be. No one like us, no one like our God, who is shaping us purposefully on this day. Be yourself. No comparison. Focus up on God, and let be, be still and let Him shape you. God bless ya.

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