The Book Of Acts | Pt.19 - How To Get Answered Prayers | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago

Acts 4:23-31
Would you like to pray prayers that shake the room?
I'm not talking about "Lord, bless this food.." type of prayers
I'm talking about power prayers
This type of prayer though is taught
One of the reasons people struggle to pray is because they have not been taught to pray
When we know how to pray we will pray
This prayer in Acts 4 was taught prayer
It follows the exact model that Jesus taught his 12 disciples how to pray
The Disciples said, "Lord, teach us how to pray."
Jesus said when you pray, pray LIKE this
He gives a model, a framework, a guide of how to actually pray
What is prayer?
Prayer is NOT an information session
God already knows
His knowledge however does not equal His action
2 Wills Of God: Unconditional Will & Conditional Will
Unconditional Will - He determines what will happen regardless of anything we do or do not do
Conditional Will - Many things He has decided not to do until He get human cooperation.
Ex. - God desires that all people to be saved. His will is tied to a condition: whoever believes will be saved.
When we pray we are not informing God, we are involving God and pulling down His will from heaven to earth
Prayer does not get God to do what He does not want to do
Prayer moves God to do what He already wants to do
Prayer is relational conversation
First two words - Our Father
Translation - you are not an only child
We are approaching an Our God not just a My God
Daddy wants His family to get along
How good and pleasant it is when God's people dwell together in UNITY
You can not function like an only child in the family of God
There is a reason God says there are certain things He will not do for those who are not apart of a local church family
We are repeatedly told: "Do not forsake... Love one another... Forgive one another... Pray for one another..."
Church Involvement = Father Engagement
God is Father; you need to know who you are praying to
We approach Him relationally not with KJV English
God is Father by position
Position of the Father is to lead the Family
Father has two primary functions in the Family = Provide & Protect
God told Adam you are to provide and protect for those in the garden
I will provide for you so you can provide for them
Devil wants Father's outside the family
Some of us had good father's and others did not
Whether you had a good earthly father or not, know this about your heavenly Father: He takes responsibility for his family
I've never seen the righteous forsaken
This who you are talking to when you pray
Not only is He father but He is in heaven = Not on earth
Not bound to the limitations of this earth
His thoughts are beyond our thoughts and His ways are beyond our ways
He makes a way when there is no way
He splits seas, shuts the mouth of lions, takes down giants
This is who we pray to
What is prayer? not an event but a lifestyle
Pray without ceasing like breath without ceasing
James 5:13-18
Is anyone in here in trouble or suffering?
He MUST pray
If Jesus had to pray how much more do we need to?
Feeding of 5000
If in pain = pray
Pain is an invitation to pray
God allows pain to linger to drive us into a position of prayer
Is anyone happy? Sing songs of Praise
Praise is physically and verbal
No such thing as silent praise
Football game - silent cheer
Praise is expressive
Watch this:
In pain = pray
Not in pain = praise
Only 2 options in life
In pain - talk to God
Not in pain - talk to God
God wants to hear from you all day and everyday
vs. 14 - sick = weary
Weight of life = tired
Have elders pray
You are so tired you cant pray for yourself
Man carried by friends - their faith
James 5:17-18
1 Kings 17:1
Elijah prayed based on God's Word = His Will
Pray with your Bibles open
Bible is full of prayers
1 Kings 18:42-46
Position - Birthing
Birth God's Will
Prayer is pulling down God's will from heaven to earth
7x = Completion
Pray until it is complete
Where faith comes onto play
Jeremiah 1:12 says, “God watches over his word and is ready to perform it.”
Do you trust the character of the Lord and the promises he has made? I’m asking you, do you really trust the character of God?
The Bible says God is not a man that he should lie which means if God made a promise he will keep it
If God made you a promise you can count on it
Let me give you a kingdom principle about the promises of God; you are to remind Him continually
Watch this:
Isaiah 62:6-7
If you get this revelation on the inside of you it’ll change your life forever
God made the promise that He would establish Jerusalem and her the praise of the earth
A promise made by God
The prophet Isaiah would relay this promise with a command - call forth this promise continually and give God no rest until he accomplishes what he promised
In other words - continually remind God of his promise
Luke 18:1-8

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