This Is What We Could Call Media Meddling - UK Column News

1 year ago

This Is What We Could Call Media Meddling
- AP News (Fact Check): Woman describing pandemic plans for a ‘soft coup’ is not a WHO representative 
- European Parliament: Non-attached Members: Francesca Donato, Italy—Democrazia Cristiana
- Wikipedia: Francesca Donato
- Multimedia Centre (European Parliament): COVID–19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future: MEPs debate (part 1)
- Medpage Today: Maine Physician Suspended for COVID Misinformation
- CEPI: The Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit: On the road to 100-Day vaccines
- GOV.UK: CEPI Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2022: Minister Milling's speech 
- Jan Saggiori (YouTube): International Covid Summit III part 2, European Parliament, Brussels
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