33 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! Compilation | Best of the Year

1 year ago

33 Amazing Science Experiments! Compilation | | Best of the Year
#Experiements #Science_Experiments
#Compilation #Best_of_the_Year

0:00 Instantly freeze water trick with HOT-ICE
0:13 Instantly freeze water trick Freeze Strawberry
0:28 Ferrofluid and Neodymium magnet experiment
0:59 Battery and copper wire experiments
1:23 Ballon trick with sharpening nails
1:45 Colorful rain (rainbow experiment)
2:25 Bubble trick with dry ice
3:03 Invisible Flame
3:25 Where is the water? Magic trick with water
4:01 Aluminum can and Drain Cleaner Experiment
4:38 How to make Hot-Ice with Sodium Acetate ( Vinegar and Baking soda)
5:28 Mind blowing optical illusions
5:48 Coca Cola vs Milk experiment
6:18 How to make monster magnet ( Slime magnetic)
6:56 Water trick it looks like a magic
7:43 Instant Freeze Water
8:07 Aluminum vs Neodymium Magnet
8:35 Travelling Water Experiment (Crawling Colors)
8:51 Magnet experiment with Iron filings
9:27 How to bend water with a comb ( Static Electric Experiment)
9:45 Carbon Sugar Snake Experiment
10:32 Water vs Sugar experiment
10:44 Magic pen
11:06 Balloon trick (Balloon on fire experiment)
11:29 Amazing Water experiment
12:05 Egg Experiment
12:28 How to Crack an Egg with One Hand
12:45 Keep a Paper Towel Dry Under Water Science Experiment
13:12 Simple tricks with water and fire
13:37 Coca-Cola Rocket (Coca-Cola and Butane)
14:18 Egg and Vinegar experiment (Bouncing Egg)

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