Cassowary the most dangerous bird on earth #wildlives #birds #dangerous #mammals

1 year ago

The cassowary is a fascinating bird that lives in the tropical forests of New Guinea and Australia. In this video, you will learn some amazing facts about this ancient and powerful creature, such as:

- How big and heavy is the cassowary? It is the second heaviest bird in the world, after the ostrich, and can weigh up to 130 pounds. It is also the third tallest bird, after the ostrich and the emu, and can stand up to 6 feet tall.
- What does the cassowary eat? The cassowary is mainly a fruit-eater, but it also consumes fungi, insects, eggs, carrion, fish, and small animals. It has a varied diet and is not picky about what it eats.
How does the cassowary defend itself? The cassowary has a powerful kick that can inflict serious injuries to predators or humans. It has a long dagger-like claw on its inner toe that can slash through flesh and bone. It also has a bony helmet on its head that can be used to ram or headbutt opponents. The cassowary is considered to be the most dangerous bird in the world.
How does the cassowary reproduce? The cassowary is a solitary bird except during mating season. The female lays three to six green eggs in a leafy nest on the ground. The male incubates the eggs for about 50 days and takes care of the chicks for several months. The chicks are striped and have brown feathers until they mature.

These are just some of the facts that you will discover in this video. Watch it now and learn more about the cassowary, the king of the rainforest!

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