New: Mars In 4K

1 year ago

A world to begin with. Modern film from Defaces rendered in staggering 4K determination. We too conversation almost the cameras on board the Martian meanderers and how we made the video.

The cameras on board the meanderers were the tallness of innovation when the particular missions propelled.

A address regularly inquired is:
‘Why don’t we really have live video from Mars?’

In spite of the fact that the cameras are tall quality, the rate at which the wanderers can send information back to soil is the greatest challenge. Interest can as it were send information straightforwardly back to soil at 32 kilo-bits per moment.

Instep, when the meanderer can interface to the Defaces Surveillance Orbiter, we get more positive speeds of 2 Megabytes per moment.

In any case, this connect is as it were accessible for around 8 minutes each Sol, or Martian day.

As you'd anticipate, sending HD video at these speeds would take a long long time. As nothing truly moves on Defaces, it makes more sense to require and send back pictures.

Credit: NASA
Music from Plague Sound

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