1 year ago

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By Gary D. Barnett

“The real terrorist is the American government, state terrorism unleashed against the world.” Bernardine Dohrn

Over the past two plus decades, the words terrorist and terrorism, have inundated the ‘news’ cycles, especially beginning profusely after the inside false flag ‘attack’ referred to as ‘9/11.’ Most all reference to terrorism however, has been isolated to what the government and its media claimed were foreign enemies of the state, mainly terror groups and individuals as identified by the State itself, and in most cases, they were created intentionally by that same State in order to use for nefarious purposes. What was missing from this agenda-driven false reporting, was the exposure of the real terrorists among us, who are those who rule and their complicit pawns in government, as well as all government enforcement agencies. The real terrorists, the most brutal, and the most murderous; those who perpetrate terror and cause and allow others to commit acts of horror, are government and those who control government. As to the most prolific of all nation-state terrorism, the U.S. is by far, the worst among all nations on earth, and is the leader of terrorism worldwide.

Governments of every stripe are nothing more than gangs of terrorists. All government is organized crime, and relies on force and propaganda in order to subdue the human herd. The criminals at the top care nothing about any of you, and will always find the common man to be expendable, especially those who stand in the way of the State’s efforts to achieve totalitarian rule.

It is my opinion that the most dangerous threats to freedom and human kind at this point, are the frauds called ‘climate change,’ and the plotted digital takeover of the monetary system. Fake ‘climate change’ will be the motivating catalyst used to lock down and restrict humanity beyond the imagination of most, and central bank digital currencies will be used to drive the nail in the coffin of all dissent. Once these agenda items are solidified, any hope of liberty will be quashed. This cannot be stressed strongly enough, as the time we have left to alter this deadly course we are on is disappearing quickly. Don’t wait until it is too late!

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” George Orwell, 1984

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