How to make new sheet, rename sheet and move sheet in Excel #shorts #viral #reel

1 year ago

So how are you guys🥰,
Nowadays, whose command is on the computer, its demand.... So my dear brothers and sisters, on this channel, I am bringing videos related to excel tips and computer tips and will keep on bringing them and if you like the video while supporting me then please like👍 and subscribe🔔.....
To become expert in computer technology you need to subscribe my channel you will find awesome computer Tips and Tricks on every week.

Name:- chahat sudhan
Insta id :- chahat_97
Insta page:- fun_point_08

तो कैसे है आप लोग😜,

आजकल कंप्यूटर पे जिसकी अच्छी कमांड उसीका डिमांड। ....तो मेरे प्यारे भाइयों और बहेनो इस चैनल पे मैंने Excel Tips, और ढेर सारे Computer Tips के वीडियोस मैं लेके आया हूँ और लेके आते रहूँगा, खास इस बात पे लाइक हो जाये | 👍

Name:- chahat sudhan
Insta id :- chahat_97
Insta page:- fun_point_08

excel tutorial
#new excel user
#excel world

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