Empaths and inaminate objects #podcast #empaths #roybthemiddleman #spiritual #energy #psychic

1 year ago


it's got the cookie thing going on because it's not mine and it's making me crazy and they'd be like that's me I'm sorry they text back. So um through my teachings and my growth of really breaking down the empath gift and how that evolves and develops and what you can tune into and anything else and for empaths watching you can talk to anything and everything because everything's energy so like even I have conversations with inanimate objects recently this is going to sound crazy to some but to empaths they are going to go oh it was like my um coat hangers the spare ones were going none of us are being used so I've started recycling the coat hangers so they're all getting used I'm like I'm having conversations with coat hangers fine well if that makes you happy and then it makes the energy of that wardrobe happier it's worth doing because then I'm not feeling it every time I'm walking through the Wardrobe to the bathroom and then

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