Unique Australian Ecosystems Under Threat

1 year ago

Pristine Australian bushland environments are being torn apart for metal monsters.

Short-lived and resource-hungry wind turbines are going up all over Queensland as part of Australia's Net Zero 2050. These monstrosities are nothing more than a pipe dream for 'free energy'.

Wind does not and cannot provide baseload power that coal provides cheaply and reliably.

To ensure coal mines restore the environment, coal mines pay a hefty bond for land disturbed. This bond is only returned after restoration is completed after mining.

Wind power companies pay NO environmental bond to make good afterwards.

I guarantee, if the government stopped propping wind and solar up with 'free money' the investors would run a mile and that is exactly what is happening overseas.

When will Australia acknowledge what a green-washed white elephant these wind projects are and back out before more birds disappear and more of the environment is destroyed?

I bet Andrew Forrest wouldn't put one in his own backyard. Would you?

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