Carnivore & Keto Q&A: Supplements, Salt, Protein Levels, FAQs, Red Meat Alternatives and More

1 year ago

Richard Smith (the Keto-Pro) and Coach Stephen. A brief summary: Lard is considered healthier than butter, but both are fine. If doing a carnivore diet, fish or poultry can be options instead of red meat. Sweeteners can still cause sugar cravings. Stevia and erythritol are the best options with zero absorption.
0:00 Intro
07:22 Transitioning to a carnivore diet can aid in building muscle and improving athletic performance.
- Removing plant toxins found in carbohydrates such as lectins and phytic acids can enhance muscle building.
- Phytolexins block the absorption of essential nutrients like zinc, iron, and magnesium, which are needed for testosterone production.

14:44 The carnivore diet can lead to significant changes in body composition and muscle gain
- The lectins in plant-based foods can lead to increased fat storage
- Phytic acids and other toxins in vegetables can hinder nutrient absorption
- Carnivore diet can lead to rapid fat adaptation and increase in muscle mass
- Increased testosterone levels may contribute to muscle gain
- Results and timeline of changes may vary for each individual

22:06 Switching to steak and eggs can have potential benefits, but be mindful of linoleic acid levels in chicken and pork.
- Eat more red meat like steak and eggs for a majority of your meals.
- Consider reducing consumption of pork and chicken due to higher levels of linoleic acid.
- Cut down on cream and cheese, especially if trying to lose weight.
- Implement an 80-20 rule with your food choices, with steak and eggs as the preferred option.
- Take into account the differences in digestion between cows and pigs when considering animal-based protein sources.

29:28 Fish is an under-regarded food in the UK, but it contains omega-3 fatty acids with positive effects on brain health.
- Fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
- Omega-3 fatty acids have been known to help fight Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia.
- Consuming fish can improve bile production, aiding digestion.
- Eating oily fish like mackerel and sardines can increase satiety.

36:50 Omega-3s and improving insulin sensitivity are key for curbing hunger and improving satiety
- It is important to consume omega-3s, such as those found in mackerel or sardines, for anti-inflammatory purposes and improved recovery
- Insulin resistance can lead to increased fat storage and decreased muscle activity, resulting in sluggishness and brain fog
- Improving insulin sensitivity can lead to increased energy, spontaneous exercise, and feeling fuller
- Focusing on a carnivore diet can be challenging due to food and sugar addiction, but understanding the effects of neurotransmitters can help overcome cravings
- Transitioning to a carnivore diet may initially feel poor, but it takes time for the body to adjust and upregulate enzymes and pathways
- Reducing consumption of sugary treats and persevering through the initial challenges can help the brain and neurotransmitters process properly
- Avoiding foods that block neurotransmitter production, such as those containing lectins and phytic acids, is important
- Supplementing with electrolytes or salts, staying hydrated, and eating when hungry can support adherence to a carnivore lifestyle
- Getting enough saturated fats and omega-3s is crucial, and there is no need to fear consuming fat

44:12 Be flexible in your carnivore diet and make healthy choices most of the time
- You don't have to be carnivore every day, eat something less toxic if needed
- Eating healthy for 30 out of 31 days will still provide benefits
- There is no strict rule, everyone is on their own journey
- Understand the deleterious effects of toxic foods and make educated decisions
- Don't be too hard on yourself, focus on your why and keep going

51:34 Ketogenic and carnivore diets allow for muscle glycogen without eating carbohydrates.
- The body can upregulate specific enzymes and pathways to send lactate from muscle to liver, where it is converted into glycogen.
- This process buffers hydrogen ions and maintains constant levels of blood glucose and muscle glycogen.
- Studies contrary to this are often done on non-ketogenic individuals or inadequate diets.
- Consistency in the diet is key to maximizing the body's ability to adapt and benefit.
- Supplements like creatine, electrolytes, and exogenous ketones can support workouts on a carnivore diet.

58:54 Lard is healthier than butter from an oxidative stress point of view.
- Personal taste is the deciding factor between lard and butter.
- Salt is essential for creating energy, and fat is underrated.
- You can follow a carnivore diet with fish or poultry instead of red meat.
- Cutting out artificial sweeteners can cause withdrawal symptoms.

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