(Pt.1) The Trans Agenda: Understanding the Minds of the Pushers. An interview w/ Jon K. Uhler, LPC

1 year ago

Who in the world would suggest that sterilizing and amputating vulnerable gender-confused young people would be something that should ever be pushed? What kind of mind would you have to have to knowingly foist the world's greatest ruse greatest ruse upon vulnerable youth with untreated mental health issues, exploiting them and their parents for profit and/or prey? What would motivate so-called professionals to ever suggest that slicing off healthy sex organs from troubled teen and young adults... who clearly show evidence of untreated mental illness... would ever help their low self esteem, their inner emotional pain, and their trauma (often from past sexual abuse)?

In pt.1 of this 2-part interview, podcast host of the Iron Will Report, Will Dove, interviews professional therapist, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, about the minds of those who would exploit such vulnerable youth and their families. Having spent half of his clinical career working forensically with perpetrators, predators, and psychopaths, Jon provides clarity regarding what exactly is behind the manipulative, exploitive, and predatory push to fast track vulnerable youth toward medicalize (sterilization and amputation).

Original version can be found on the website of the 'Iron Will Report' Podcast:

(Pt.2) Trans Agenda: Profiting from the Maiming of Our Children. An interview with Jon K. Uhler, LPC https://youtu.be/uJn4EFT1kr8

Jon K. Uhler's websites:
Blog: https://www.survivorsupport.us/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uhler_jon
Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Additional video resources from Jon K. Uhler, LPC:

(Pt 1)There is NO such thing as a "Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
(Pt 2)There's NO such thing as a "Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Pt. 1 The Dangers of so-called "Gender Affirming Care".
Pt. 2. The Dangers of so-called "Gender Affirming Care" Jenny Kyng, RN,
Pt. 1. Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr. Andre Van Mol, MD.
Pt. 2. Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr. Andre Van Mol, MD

Pt. 1. The Push to Decriminalize Pedophilia via the Trans Movement. Guest: Erin Holmes https://youtu.be/iaV5eSP30w0?
(Pt. 2) The Push to Decriminalize Pedophilia via the Trans Movement. Guest: Erin Holmes https://youtu.be/98PIuxiV3u4?si=abmVMqrgJl2YlT3t

The first interview between Jon K. Uhler, LPC and Alix Aharon, of the Gender Mapping Project, can be access here:
(Pt. 1) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 2) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 3) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:

Unmasking Lea Thomas: How Deviant Men Gain Direct Access to "Get Off" by Accessing Women & Kids.

Jon K. Uhler's first interview about Sam Brinton, after news broke of Sam Brinton's first luggage theft: 'The Dangers of Promoting Sexually Deviant Men into Positions of Power.' https://youtu.be/OHbpZTCzQZE

Jon K. Uhler's interview on TECN.TV, after news broke of Sam Brinton's second arrest for stealing women's luggage and underwear:
The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment: https://youtu.be/XvrTa4079DM

UK version of 'The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment': https://youtu.be/QGVf4Gybspk

What Schools are Keeping from Parents: How Predators are accessing minors through the Trans Movement

For more information on the characteristics of Sophisticated Child Predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

To better understand the role pornography plays in the role of generating sexual predators, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.net/porn-dark-deviance

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following: https://www.survivorsupport.net/the-trans-deceeption

To see the unique nature of Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be accessed at: https://www.survivorsupport.net/copy-of-recently-updated

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