Civil War Report – Biden Admits That Maui Attack Was Preplanned – Strange Days In Maui

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When the US Government plans war against the civilian population, they always let it slip that it was planned and we conclude that it could have been stopped or prevented. A week before the attack on Pearl Harbor a Hawaii newspaper printed on the front page that Japan could attack the following week. The government is good too at planning false flag attacks to cover their covert warmongering. One just has to look at the Gulf of Tonkin incident at the start of the Vietnam War or the flying of planes into the World Trade Center to see their method of operation clearly. The same government that vowed to fight terrorism has become terrorism. The people in Santa Rosa and Paradise, California never suspected that their neighborhoods would be burned out of existence. The people of Maui never thought that they would live in thriving neighborhoods one day and wake up the next day with absolutely nothing. With absolutely no warning or inkling of malice that was held against them many Hawaiians perished by the new sword, a weapon so hot and yet so insidiously cold. In reality, we are all targets, each and every one of us wondering if tonight will be the night when Biden’s beams of death will burn down our homes, destroy our automobiles and snuff out our lives. Now is the time to rise up, the time to defend ourselves any way possible. Now is the time to slay the dragon, to resist evil and to fight the good fight. Pray against the bastards, that their weapons turn on them, that their words convict and condemn them and that they be sent to inherit land that was prepared just for them, in the bowels of the Earth.

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