Baldur's Gate 3 SMASH or KILL | Tier List Ranking every Romance in BG3

1 year ago

its finally done the ultimate tier list ALL the multiclass ranked

lets go over every possible multiclass that exist in Baldur's gate 3

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0:00 BEST ROMANCE OPTIONS for Baldur's Gate 3
2:00 Best Companion in Baldur's Gate 3
4:00 Minthera is best romance option
6:00 Karlach is the best waifu in the game
7:00 Karlach vs Minthara
9:00 Shadowheart romance ?
11:00 Should you romance the Tentacle emperor
13:35 Ugly old man push him off the cliff.
14:25 Raphael Romance
15:40 Keltherec Romance ?
16:00 Isobel Thorm Kill ?
17:00 Aylin Angel Waifu
18:00 Wyll Trash Romance
19:30 Lazle All Ghityanky are trash
22:00 Alfira the bard hottest NPC
25:30 Zelvor Trash NPC
26:00 Drider Hot
27:00 ALWAYS STAKE Astarion Romance Companion
31:00 Minks boring Romance
32.00 Jahira old Grump Grandma companion romance
35:00 Gale is too THIRSTY
36:30 Savrok wishy washy
37:00 Would you Smash Orin? she is like Yandere Mystique
40:00 Gortash good romance partner?
41:00 How to Hailsin Bear Companion Romance
45:00 Mizora Romance Scene BEST DEMON WAIFU

40:00 How to Romance the bear Halsin in Baldur's gate 3?


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