1 year ago

I'm not sorry for soyjaking in the thumbnail

Hey stater-tots! We talk about overthrowing government a lot here, but I know you're a broke, depressing, mid-20's student and you can hardly orchestrate a massive revolt! Can you? Well this is the place to find out what type of overthrow is right for you! Maybe you're a revolution kinda person? Perhaps a Putsch enjoyer?

0:00 Intro
1:04 The Revolution
2:09 The Civil War
3:19 El Pronunciamiento
4:55 The Putsch
5:53 The Liberation
6:23 The Insurgency
7:04 The Coup D'état
7:57 Deciding our Method

#coupdetat #historymemes #revolution

Ignore these I just want the algorithm to like me
Foreign meddling, Covert interventions, Regime destabilization tactics, Proxy wars, Geopolitical agendas, Secret operations, Democracy promotion, Sovereignty violations, Political interference, Regime manipulation techniques, Government overthrow strategies, Subversive actions, Clandestine diplomacy, Espionage activities, Regime transition methods, International conflicts, Diplomatic subterfuge, Coercive diplomacy, Propaganda campaigns, Information warfare, Cyberattacks, Economic sanctions, Regime opposition movements, Political unrest, Humanitarian interventions, UN resolutions, Sanctions enforcement, Regime change policies, International organizations, Regime support networks, Military coups, Color revolutions, Soft power strategies, Regime legitimacy challenges, Civil unrest, Regime survival tactics, Democracy-building efforts, Intelligence agencies, Disinformation campaigns, Regime transition planning, Civil society activism, Grassroots movements, Regime resistance, Opposition leaders, National security interests, Regime sponsorship, Political alliances, Counterinsurgency operations, Arms sales, Regime propaganda, Regime-controlled media, Regime crackdowns, Human rights abuses, International sanctions, UN peacekeeping missions, Political asylum, Refugee crises, Regime negotiations, Conflict resolution efforts, Regime change consequences, Post-conflict reconstruction, War crimes tribunals, Regime accountability, Regime transition challenges, Political exiles, Conflict analysis, Civilian casualties, Regime violence, Geopolitical rivalries, Regime change aftermath, Diplomatic initiatives, Regime security apparatus, Regime intelligence services, Ethnic tensions, Regime propaganda machinery, Regime opposition coalitions, Coordinated uprisings, Regime repression, Humanitarian crises, Regime resilience, Military interventions, Regime manipulation of elections, Regime surveillance, Regime control of resources, Geopolitical power shifts, Regime change conspiracies, Regime change narratives, International conflict resolution, Regime negotiation tactics, Political asylum seekers, Regime change case studies, Regime transition planning, International peacekeeping, Regime change ethics, Regime change failures, Regime change successes, Regime legitimacy disputes, Regime change and international law, Regime change and human rights, Regime change and global stability.

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