Lahaina fire was started on purpose and the CCP is behind it all. 9/4/23

1 year ago

The "Seven abominations" talked about in Proverbs 6:16-19 describe in amazing accuracy what the Communist Chinese leaders are like and what they are doing to us. Pray for EXPOSURE of how the US sellout traitors are complicit with the CCP and what we as an American Constitutional Republic need to do about it. God's word is so helpful as we fight with all these evil people but don't forget, we have God and His word. 2 Corinthians 10:4 " for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses."
Pray for the people of Hawaii to wise up to the realization that evil CCP backed people are attempting to take over beautiful areas of Hawaii. There really is a nefarious plan in place and YES, it originates from the Communist Chinese Beijing lair of the Dragon with Xi JÄ«n Ping. We at the ME Foundation protect and provide for children and keep them away from evil people. So many children died in that fire and God knows who is responsible. Homer, Alaska 9/4/23

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