Tunnels under Maui Boots on ground verified! Fallout from Oprah and the Rock's donation fund.

1 year ago

* Interesting questions surround the #PeoplesFundofMaui
is it coming from the #HeartSpace?
* Some interesting thoughts and questions from viewers on Oprah and other elites.
* Check out this tunnel 300 feet below Maui.

#MauiTunnels, #HawaiiTunnels, #RedHill, #Oprah, #TheRock, #DwayneJohnson, #RedHillTunnels,
#HaleakalaNationalPark, #Haleakala
#PuuUlaula, #RedHillFuelStorage, #RedHillFuelStorageFacility, #Tunnels, #Mines

For the video prior to this on the Maui Fires go here,
More Oddities about the Maui Fires. A recovery expert sees Napalm like burns.


For my notes, more sources, footage and other connectors of past reports on tunnels all over the world go here,

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