States Capital Cities Tier List

1 year ago

Okay, so about two years ago, these tier list videos started popping up, and I found them very interesting. I watched to many to count.
After two years, I thought I would share one or two with you.
If you’ve never seen one before, a tier list is a list where you grade things, and it could be anything. You give each one a letter grade like in school, A through F. But, there is an S that stands for special. Only one, the very best, lands in the S spot. It is the top dog, numero uno, Cock of the walk, baby! You get it.
These state capitals are graded on my opinion, based on things I know about each one. I’ll explain why I graded each state capital.
This is just my opinion. I would love to hear yours. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think should have been the top dog.

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