Tucker Carlson Interviews Colonel MacGregor on Ukraine

1 year ago

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Tucker Carlson: “Pretty much everything that NBC News and the New York Times have told you about the war in Ukraine is a lie…”

My Comment:

This interview is very important for the USA (Rev. 12) to hear. All of what is happening right now in the United States and the World has already been foretold about in the Kodesh Scriptures. You can gleam bits and pieces of details of these events from the ancient Hebrew Nebiyiym/Prophets (1 Cor. 14:32) and what they were given to write down (Yeshayah/Isa. 28:10, 13) by the Word of YaHVeH, who we now know today is Yahvshua the Ben of YaHVeH the Lamb of Yah (Yahn/John 1); He laid down His life for us by the offering of His own blood to cover our sins, if we accept Him by being immersed underwater in His name and acknowledging Him before men (Mat. 10:32-33). The Book of Revelation was given to Yahvchanan/Yahn the Emissary/Apostle by a Shamayim Malak (Rev. 1:1); Yahn was one of the twelve (Luke 6:13-14) Limmudiym/Disciples chosen by the Rabbi Yahvshua the Mashiyach/Messiah at the beginning of His earthly ministry when He walked on the earth in the flesh (1 Yahn 4:2-3). The Book of Revelation fills in more detail of what is going to happen before Mashiyach returns in the clouds (Rev. 1:7). The Book of Daniel and Revelation are tied together and MUST be used together to help fill in where Revelation begins. But you CANNOT discount the other ancient Hebrew Nebiyiym and what they were given by the Word of YaHVeH to write down (Luke 24:44)! Yes, even the writings of Mosheh/Moses we must take heed in when understanding these end time events.

This leads me to finally telling you this. In Daniel 11:44 he wrote:

Daniy`Yah/Daniel: 11:44…But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many…

I believe Daniel when the verse says: “…therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many…”

This section of the verse is revealing the “man of sin”; this “…man of sin…” (Coming from the West 2 Thes. 2:3) is being promoted by the New World Order World Economic Forum/WEF, by UN Agenda 2030, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Secret Societies (like Masonic Freemasonry, Scull and Bones…etc.) and very super evil wealthy people such as; Klaus Schwab, George Soros and now his son Alexander, Bill Gates, the Bush’s…and many other individuals like them. There is so much more detail YaHVeH has given understanding in these last days’ hours, but it would take up too much space.

“…But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him…”

I believe Daniel to be referring to, who we know as today as Communist China in the East and Russia in the North and whoever they have allied with. I believe China to be mentioned again in Revelation 9:13 – 17 crossing the Euphrates River when it is dried up. The Euphrates River is nearly all dried up now.

In short Russia and China and the West will war against each other, and the “East” and “North” will push the West out of the Promised Land. When that happens it won’t be long and Yahvshua the Mashiyach will return in the clouds (Rev. 1:7) and push and destroy those who are illegally occupying the Promised Land (Zechar`Yah/Zechariah 14 and other scripture I could point to). Remember while these events are to their maximum levels, the “Two Witnesses” will be preaching for the entire world to see for literally 1260 days (Rev. 11).
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#Ukraine #China_and_Russia #World_War_III

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