The New Earth Mystery School with Stellar and Ligia

1 year ago

The New Earth Mystery School is merging ancient and cosmic wisdom teachings and how these mysteries can assist you for this new earth timeline in which we find ourselves.

Mystery Schools have been all over the planet and cosmos since ancient times. Their main focus was to protect and preserve the ancient teachings and systems of healing, initiation, enlightenment and transfiguration. The teachings can be continually accessed by us, as part of the evolution of the Soul experience and our deeply intimate relationship with the cosmos within, accessed through the heart. All the answers to all the mysteries of life do not lie in the outside illusion or in books or texts, but rather inside of us, through the deep knowing of the stargate of our hearts. The mystery school experience facilitates profound shifts in consciousness and deep remembering. - Are you ready to remember how to live in the new earth?

The new timeline is called the timeline of Divine Love and we are moving

from victim consciousness to victory consciousness, from separation consciousness to unity consciousness.

Our three experts will guide you week by week through a beautifully crafted curriculum that will give you every tool and guidance as to how to live in the new earth timeline. This is deeply needed as many are feeling bewildered, adrift and exhausted with the exponential rise in energies and wondering what is next?

You will be given sacred keys to manifest and create, which is your innate birthright. The keys to remember the future timeline of the golden age are now upon us and we get to choose where we want to be. This is a deeply sacred time to be alive and to reflect, process and discard all that has come before us as we walk through the golden gateway to co-create heaven on earth.

The new earth vibration has echoes of times in the past where the earth and humanity lived in peace, harmony, respect and vibrant health.

In these 12 months of training in new earth full embodiment techniques, we will learn how to navigate the new earth from the heart. During this 12 month transformation you will have all the tools to navigate the new earth consciousness with ease and grace.

Energies are amplifying all the time and so with our experts and guest speakers you can access the wisdom, information and knowledge of the ascension process and how to keep grounded and centred whilst clearing, cancelling and deleting all that does not serve you. It is time to see the world with new eyes and to live a life of freedom with your heart fully open.

Further curricular information and details of how to book your place can be found here:

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New Earth Mystery School - Launching 28th September 2023

With permission, intro music by the amazing sacred songstress Stellar Sophia

Find more of Stellar's amazing healing music here:

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