Relatives of Fallen Marines in the Afghanistan debacle recount BIDEN's disrespect

1 year ago

Relatives of Fallen Marines in the Afghanistan debacle tell Biden to go to hell as they say they felt disrespected by him after he checked his watch, he didn't know their names, and he talked about himself instead of them.

One relative even screamed at Biden telling him to go to hell.

"I just feel so disrespected by that man. We had decided as a family that we would not meet with the President. We were in a room by the side. And then out on the Tarmac made it even worse. The disrespect that we were shown with him checking his watch. Not even looking at us. It was just total disrespect."

"Someone screamed at President Biden burn in hell."

"That was my daughter. Yes, and she meant it."

"The administration didn't seem to know our stories. They didn't seem to know our names.
People from the military certainly knew our story, and that was expressed in a way that felt genuine and loving. But when it came to the people in suits, it felt disingenuous and hollow.

First, he called me Mrs. Lopez. And I was not Mrs. Lopez. He just talked about his son and he understands how we feel. He didn't know how we feel. He was there when his son passed. We didn't have that privilege. We received our kids in a casket. I just feel so disrespected by that man because it was all about him."

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