Wearing a Heartrate Monitor during my flight at Purdin's 24th Paramotor Fly-in | IRLPPG

1 year ago

24th Purdin's Fly-in. Audio gets a little scuffed in the beginning when I lost signal but it comes back if you want to skip ahead. during this flight I wore my EKG style heart rate monitor so you can watch as it changes during my flight.

🤑 please consider donating towards the streams: https://streamlabs.com/irlppg/tip

!commands - shows list of lumia commands avail
!heartbeat - enables hearrate to show indefinitely
!heartoff - disabes the overlay and autoheart [in case its stuck]
!autoheart - 0-98bpm it hides and shows up again when i go 99+bpm on its own
!weather - Shows Current Weather
!winds - shows wind speeds
!map - shows map of cur location
!song - shows what song is playing

!fire - fire overlay

#paramotors #irl #live

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