Episode 143 - Distract Track

1 year ago

The Greek word for distraction means to ‘drag apart. If we fail to identify and remove distractions, we will spend our lives chasing worthless things. Eve was distracted by delight, Samson by relationships, David by pleasure, Demas by culture, Peter by the wind, Jonah by bitterness, Jeremiah by fear.’

Featured content:
“Truth I’m Standing On” – Leanna Crawford
https://youtu.be/mQq1zEBk41E?f eature=shared

Considerable quote:
“Distractions must be conquered, or they will conquer us.”
- A.W. Tozer

Featured content:
Truth I’m standing on – Leanna Crawford
https://youtu.be/mQq1zEBk41E?f eature=shared

Considerable quote:
“Distractions must be conquered, or they will conquer us.”
- A.W. Tozer

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