How to Choose to NOT be Offended #shorts

1 year ago

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Brant Hansen’s book Unoffendable, is the inspiration for this powerful conversation today on Strong By Design featuring hosts Jared Haley and Mike Westerdal.

Utilizing his ability to write engaging and humorous stories, Hansen introduces and develops the ideology of becoming a person who is not easily offended. We believe this book is highly beneficial to our American culture that is hypersensitive and easily offended.

As followers of Jesus, he is always asking the question, how would Jesus respond to people in our current culture, and how does that reflect on the way we live our daily lives? We want to stand for justice. We believe if we get angry enough about a particular topic then we can invoke that change. However, in the process we often dismiss the people that Jesus loves.

We would highly recommend this to anyone as a book that can help you wrestle through issues with anger and forgiveness of others. It is both a thought provoking and challenging book as we journey to discover how to stand for truth in a way that honors Jesus and the Kingdom He is building around us.

"Someone could say something rude to you, yet you could still choose your feelings or how you respond or react to it because it’s not about you a lot of times… it’s something they’re going through that has nothing to do with you.” -- Mike Westerdal

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Time Stamps
00:54 - Welcome to the 'Strong By Design' podcast
01:48 – Are YOU easily offended?
10:28 - Healthy ways to respond when you've been offended
15:44 – Becoming unoffendable: Letting go of anger
24:24 - The power of identifying and managing your emotions
29:51 - Are you reacting or responding?
34:07 – Why having a healthy outlet to channel your stress is important
35:44 – The importance of extending grace to others

Unoffendable – Brant Hansen

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