Strange World - Ep. 027 - Sept. 3rd, 2023

1 year ago

On tonight's show John Frobisher Smith and Dr. Raven Black bring you another riveting and rambunctious discussion of the weeks weirdest news including more on the Indian Moon rover and it's discovery of valuable elements on the Moon, a new accent that hails from Antarctica, the air conditioning secrets of the Ancient pharoahs, and how researchers have developed a type of crystal that transforms light into physical work! All this, and then, after the break, Frobisher continues with the reading series, reading more of the paranormal classic, "Darkness Walks: The Shadow People Among Us," by Jason Offutt.

- Indian Moon rover finds valuable elements on the moon
- Scientists discover a new Antarctic accent
- The arctiecture of Ancient Egypt might help cool buildings today
- Incredible new crystals turn light into work power
- Darkness Walks:

Intro music: "Banned from Living" by Gloomcvlt
Outro music: "The Outlands, Pt. 2" by The Abyss
Background art: "The Time Machine" by Interesni Kazki (AEC)
Catch the livestream every Sunday night ~7-9pm Mountain Time on

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