⚠️DTTV 169⚠️ | Lawyer Discusses Alternate Media Vs. Legacy Media & How They Both Avoid the Facts…

1 year ago

There is a case that has made a lot of headlines, especially in alternate media about a man by the initials of “CD” as a result of court publication bans who has done some jail time while fighting against, or apparently trying to fight against his daughter wanting to transition after receiving some propaganda about this in the public school system.

After reading the BC Court of Appeals decision on his contempt of court case I realized this a case that is an excellent example of how you cannot trust alternate media much more than you can trust legacy media; you’ve got to look at the actual facts. Because of this case especially, a lot of the reports I saw frankly, I think were clickbait or sensualized to make it look like something it actually wasn’t.

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⚠️This site and its information are not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Please consult a lawyer for advice about your individual situation. Feel free to get in touch by email or phone. ⚠️

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🔗 Link, Resources, & More… 🔗

👉🏻 Link | A - https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1689343151998382080?s=09

👉🏻 Link | B - R. v. C.D., 2023 BCCA 319 (CanLII), https://canlii.ca/t/jzjk3


👉🏻 Don’t Talk TV #167 | Nicholas Wansbutter Live with Maxime Bernier, Leader of the People’s Party of Canada - https://youtu.be/7SwwQpzZxTo?si=7v9bh-Xec2-VJgxF

👉🏻 Don’t Talk TV #151 | Homeschool vs “Public School”, Your Right Therin, & Some Resources to Help Both - https://youtu.be/Jo9ehyWgy2I?si=mhsVKKvDJNpp3UPz

👉🏻 Moustache Challenge Tweet on “X” - https://x.com/donttalktv/status/1695467900780392589?s=46&t=IKoQsGQHWOsS8et6DcrXNw

Thumbnail - Photo by Magnus Mueller: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-hand-holding-a-black-smartphone-2818118/

Intro Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels & Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc) for his public relations, communications, and crisis management services.

#Facts #AlternateMedia #LegacyMedia

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