The Best Way To Save Money At... Or Outside Starbucks?! Savvy Customers Know Where The Best Deal Is!

1 year ago

**Needs Review - Value Saving Ideas**
In this clip from Mayr In The Morning, Chrissie reacts to the news of great deals at Starbucks and other food stores. Anna Sacks lives by her name diving in to the sacks left outside restaurants and fast food joints... although they are not actual sacks, but garbage bags. One persons garbage though can be another persons treasure... or feast! While diving in to the food places trash Anna found that Starbucks often throws out copious amounts of unexpired food. Often in cities across the country due to laws restaurants are not able to give away the food that is no longer needed because risks of lawsuits, but that does not mean a person can not treat themselves to a lovely nutritious bagged meal.

See The Full Stream Here 🎞️-

#ChrissieMayr #Starbucks #DumpsterDiving

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