Sept 4, 2023-Watchman News-2 Tim 1:13-14-Ukraine satanic sacrifice, Possible Ebola Outbreak and More

1 year ago

Sept 4, 2023 - Watchman News - 2 Timothy 1:13-14 - Zelensky is causing global shock: He is recruiting HIV-positive people, people with neurodegenerative diseases and mental illnesses - He is asking for 160,000 refugees back (Large scale satanic sacrifice- Abomination Shot Implantations and Adverse Events), FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents, British spies censored Covid criticism, US special ops to wage real-time AI information war (The war against Truth continues), Paving the Way for Tiny Devices Integrated Into Human Tissues – Scientists Develop New “Droplet” Battery, Five deaths in Virginia connected to statewide meningococcal disease outbreak (Abomination Shot Adverse Event), Tens of thousands still stranded in ‘survival mode’ at drenched Burning Man site — as authorities investigate reported death (Possible Ebola Outbreak) and More!

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2 Timothy 1:13-14 (New King James Version)
Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

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Understanding of ARM vs Right Hand of Revelation 13;16-18 –

The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments –

Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (vBride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 –


Key Watch Times with Translation to the Gregorian Dates in the Graph Link Below using the Current Torah Calendar, Torah Calendar One Month Off, God’s Sun (Sun enters Constellation)/Moon Calendar (Counting Moon entering Constellations), Zadok Priestly Calendar and Enoch Calendar.!Aj4XR7TEghaykW7HUB3_03Z8sAJe?e=HyH5T7
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4111-e Rose Lake Rd #696
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Romans 10:9 - If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved

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