Learning How to Homestead | biggest mistakes I made as a new homesteader

2 years ago

We moved to our farm 5 years ago and have since added gardens, chickens, bees, pigs, goats, fruit trees, and dairy cows. I’ve made a ton of mistakes and learned so much already, but some days I feel like I’m just getting started. In this video I’m sharing my 3 biggest mistakes in learning how to homestead - Thanks for watching and don’t forget to hit subscribe before you go - I make 2 new videos on motherhood, homesteading, and life on our farm each week!

Read the Blog Post for this Video: https://hopewellheightsblog.com/learning-how-to-homestead/


00:00 learning how to homestead
00:21 mistake #1 - Not starting where I was with what I had
04:39 mistake #2 - Not planting fruit trees, berries, and perennials right away
07:15 mistake #3 - buying animals without proper fencing and structures

I'm Steph, wife of John & mom of 4 living on a 5th generation homestead. My husband's great-grandparents bought this farm in rural Missouri in 1942. My husband was supposed to take the farm over after high school - but he decided to go a different direction and moved out on his own. At that time he said he'd never get married or have kids. But here we are - 4 kids later and back on the farm. I grew up in town - so farm life has been a new adventure for me and I absolutely love it. I'm learning as I go and opting out of as many broken systems as I can along the way. We've lived here almost five years now, we homeschool our kids here, raise and grow more of our own food all the time, and our last baby was even born here on the farm - my first home birth. Learn with me as I share glimpses into our life on the farm.


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