When do you call in something sus?

1 year ago

Burned out BMW abandoned.
Engine fire? Arson?

The ground isnt as scorched as I'd expect but I'm not an expert. The front is burned to almost nothing, yet the trees in front are not touched. Back end is in decent shape.

If it did not burn here, how did the get it here?? Drive, tow, push? I'd assume they wouldn't want to be seen & that it wouldn't be drivable.

It's a bit much for a dumped stolen car.

I can't imagine not calling for help if I had an engine fire. I definitely would not find a nice secluded spot next to a bunch of trees & bushes and just walk away.

So, in my mind it was either used in a crime or maybe someone parked there not knowing there was a problem & it ignited after they left? Seems unlikely.

The is in a far corner of a Senior and Disabled Services building. It used to be a plant nursery & this spot was where Christmas trees were kept.

It's not realy isolated, but it's as hidden as one can get within probably 15 miles.

What do you think happened?

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