Foxy Brown - Humiliating the Honky Judge Scene (Movie Clip)

1 year ago

Foxy (Pam Grier) and Claudia (Juanita Brown) speak dirty to Judge Fenton before humiliating him.

Blaxploitation icon Pam Grier stars as Foxy Brown, a sexy but streetwise woman whose ne'er-do-well brother Link (Antonio Fargas) is a drug dealer who owes mobsters 20,000 dollars. To get the hoods off his back, Link names Foxy's boyfriend as a government agent trying to wipe out organized crime, and the mob soon has him rubbed out. But Hell hath no fury like Foxy Brown scorned; posing as a hooker to get the inside scoop on the mob, she goes on a crusade to find out who murdered her man, and she exacts revenge with the help of a local activist group. The supporting cast includes cult figure Sid Haig as a bad guy (as usual) and Peter Brown and Kathryn Loder as a seriously kinky couple who rule the local mob.

TM & © MGM (1974)
Cast: Harry Holcombe, Juanita Brown, Pam Grier
Director: Jack Hill
Producer: Buzz Feitshans
Screenwriter: Jack Hill

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