morning yoga great way to start your day

1 year ago

Begin with Centering (2 minutes):

Sit cross-legged in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths to center yourself.
Set an intention for your practice or simply focus on being present.
2. Warm-Up (5 minutes):

Start with gentle neck rolls, shoulder rolls, and wrist rotations.
Move on to seated forward bends and gentle twists to wake up your spine.
3. Sun Salutations (8 minutes):

Perform a few rounds of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to warm up your entire body. Modify as needed.
Include poses like Downward Dog, Cobra, and Warrior.
4. Standing Poses (5 minutes):

Move into standing poses like Warrior I, Warrior II, and Triangle Pose.
Focus on grounding and stability.
5. Balance Poses (5 minutes):

Practice balancing poses like Tree Pose, Half Moon Pose, or Eagle Pose.
These poses help improve concentration and core strength.
6. Seated Poses (3 minutes):

Transition to seated poses like Seated Forward Bend and Butterfly Pose.
Stretch your hamstrings and open your hips.
7. Backbends (3 minutes):

Incorporate gentle backbends like Cobra Pose or Bridge Pose.
These poses can boost your energy.
8. Cool Down (2 minutes):

Gradually wind down your practice with Child's Pose or Puppy Pose.
Focus on relaxation and deep breaths.
9. Savasana (2 minutes):

Finish with Savasana (Corpse Pose) to relax and integrate the benefits of your practice.
10. Closing (1 minute):
- Slowly come out of Savasana.
- Sit in a comfortable position and take a moment to express gratitude for your practice and your day ahead.

Remember, the key to a successful morning yoga practice is consistency. Over time, you may adjust this routine to meet your specific needs and preferences. Always listen to your body and consult with a yoga instructor if you have any medical concerns or injuries. Enjoy your morning yoga practice!

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