Handle With Care | Beware Of Shills & Grifters (Check Description)

1 year ago

Please be careful who you follow..
Grifters & shills have infiltrated this movement prior to Nov 3rd 2020 and have popped up here and there every day since.

If anyone is claiming to have “secret Intel” or certain dates that things will happen please be very suspicious of these people. Especially if in order to get this “secret Intel” you need to buy something from their sponsors or subscribe to their “special” channel lol

Do not blindly follow or trust anyone. Do your own research and make up your own minds. Also to the anons…”Handle With care”-XVII.

If you’re going to share info with Frens then verify before sharing or simply let them know it is unverified. I’m happy to let patriots that follow this page know that what I’m sharing is unverified because I’ll ask for them for help so they’ll do some digging on their own which is really one of the main objectives.

All we have is our credibility and all it takes is one fake bs story to lose it. There’s a few anons out there that will give you a lot of truth just to set you up with lies.

Sharing fake news has hurt this movement & turned people away more than anything else. If you’re a newbie/normie or have only been following for a year or so listen closely to what 45+ says here because he’s literally telling you only a small group is in the know.

I’ve been doing this 24/7, 365 days, over three years, 43 accounts, & 50 RedPillUSA/Anon pages without ever asking for a dime. Thats because I care about this country & my child’s future that much just like I know you do.

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