Hawaii 6 months ago you forgot

1 year ago

Three things that happened in Hawaii in the last 6 months. 1. Lasers cought on camera beaming down on Hawaii. 2. Deadly destructive fires burn on Maui. 3. Large corporations try to buy land previously unavailable.
6 months ago videos of actual space lasers were cought on video hitting Hawaii. 6 months after Hawaii fires destroys neighborhoods and people. Some crazy person says space lasers started the fire it's quickly called a conspiracy theory and people are called crazy. The lasers from 6 months ago were not to start fires they were used to measure the island topographically what does that have to do with the fires. I don't know but people seem to have forgotten that there were space lasers beaming down on Hawaii only 6 months ago and people should not be made out to sound crazy for saying that space lasers were involved. Maybe the lasers were involved but not in starting the fires. If there is a conspiracy to steel land from land owners you would want precision maps of the land for development or sales.

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