1 year ago


Your imagination is like clay; reform it. There is a mysterious Scripture in the book of Genesis concerning the tower of Babel. God said that if he left these people to their own doing, they could imagine anything and do it. To understand that is so far beyond our comprehension in the natural mind that we miss the power of it.
The imagination is the seedbed for thoughts and actions. Things we end up doing start in that seedbed and grow into giant trees. Our life's good, bad, and ugly originate in our thought patterns.
One of the potent purposes of meditation that is lost to the Western culture is the result of thinking by letting your imagination develop and grow.
The great discoveries, inventions, and technological wonders come from someone's imagination. The same day the dreamer came up with the printing press or the television, someone else came up with evil deeds and desperate thoughts.
Jesus warned us to take no thought and say the things that would harm us.
The Scriptures also tell us to cast down those types of imaginations and take them captive to the word of God unto Christ.
Your imagination and your thought life come out of your heart, and because Christ lives there, you can let him mold you in his image. This is what we call maturity, or growing in Christ.
The apostle Paul referred to this as carnal people, those who let their imaginations run their lives into the works of the flesh. When we rest in the lord, cast or care for him, and trust him to keep us, that shapes our imagination.
After all, we are patterned after God himself; because of that, we are creative and inventive. Just like our heavenly father, we release that creative power through our mouth by the words we speak.
Be aware of your thoughts and imaginations; your words will reflect your heavenly father.

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