1 year ago

Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” This thought-provoking quote reveals two opposing ways of seeing the world. We can go through life oblivious to the wonder and beauty all around us, or we can live with a sense of perpetual awe at the miracle of existence.

To see nothing as a miracle is to be blind to life's magic. It is to take everything for granted and appreciate little. We become jaded and cynical, disenchanted with the world. Life feels dull and meaningless when we lose our sense of wonder. But to see everything as a miracle is to be filled with gratitude, joy and a feeling of vibrant aliveness. Even the smallest, most mundane things seem wondrous when viewed through eyes of gratitude.

Each moment we are alive is a miracle. Against all odds, the conditions in the universe aligned to create the Earth, the only known inhabited world in the cosmos. The chances of any one of us being born are infinitesimally small. Yet here we are - conscious beings experiencing the miracle of life. When we stop to think about it, it is truly awe-inspiring. But in our daily routines, it is easy to forget the miracle of our existence.

Einstein reminds us that we have a choice in how we see the world. We can sleepwalk through life or we can choose to be awake to its beauty and wonder. We can see nothing as a miracle or everything as a miracle. One choice leads to a sense of enchantment, meaning and profound joy. The other to discontent, apathy and indifference.

Which way will you choose to live? Will you see the miracle in each moment, each encounter, each breath? Or will you take life for granted and miss the magic that surrounds you? The miracle of existence is always available to us. We need only open our eyes.

Tags: miracles, wonder, awe, existence, life, meaning, gratitude, quotes, motivation, inspiration, purpose

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