What Colour Was Moses Hand Originally? Israelites vs Jew vs Muslims At Speakers Corner

1 year ago

00:00:35 Deuteronomy 28:68
00:04:00 Why would the Romans send some European looking slaves to Egypt?
00:04:55 Revelation 2:9
00:09:15 Date of oldest Talmud manuscript.
00:11:10 Date of oldest torah manuscript.
00:12:30 So the original Jews had lighter skins that the Romans?!?
00:24:45 Betulah? Or Almah? Isaiah 7:14
00:28:00 The Egyptian wall paintings have dark skinned slaves in them.
00:29:00 The Pharisees were already corrupted by the Greeks even before Jesus.
00:30:30 What colour was Moses hand originally before the leprosy?
00:32:10 Except in Israel where the light skinned people stay light.
00:32:40 You walked away from your heritage to serve some Arabs.
00:34:10 You are a sellout!
00:39:55 Jeremiah 16:19-21
00:46:25 We are the original Hebrew Israelites?
00:49:00 The Messiah did fix something, because he made the world a better place.
00:51:00 Psalms 68:4: Sing unto God, sing praises to his name.
00:53:10 The language that the fake Jews are speaking.
00:53:50 Where in the scriptures does it say that Jews cannot say God's name?
00:55:30 It all goes to pieces now and descends into a load of babbling.

In this conversation at Speakers Corner, Josh the Jew is speaking to the Rasta Israelite and some Muslims, about if the majority of the Israelites did end up in Europe. He tried to bring some Bible verses relating to how the Israelites would be scattered and he also dropped the big bomb, which of course was what colour was Moses hand before God put the leprosy onto it. If Moses skin was pale coloured, then it would not have been so much of a shock for it to become white, but someone with a dark brown skin would obviously be shocked to see their hand turn white.
The Israelites then dropped a small bomb onto the Muslim who was from Trinidad, by saying that he was a sellout, because he sold out his original heritage and followed the heritage of some Arabs instead, rather than staying with the non paganistic belief of his own people.
The sensible part of the conversation then finished off with the Israelite asking Josh, about if he can say the name of his God out loud, because of a Psalm that says that this should be done.

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