Easy code monkey stuff

1 year ago

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(When available, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission!)



►Notion: https://notion.grsm.io/saizlstfeeri

►Nerd or Die: https://nerdordie.com/shop/ref/indiecreator/

►Ecamm Live: https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=indiecreator

►Epidemic Sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/q1miqk

Get a 10% discount when you sign up for Beepbot Pro with the code “2TonWaffle”



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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@2tonwaffle

Website: https://indiecreatorhub.com

Threads: https://threads.net/@indiebasementhub


Watch live here on YouTube or on one of the following services

Twitch: twitch.tv/2tonwaffle

Owncast: https://indiebasement.live

Kick: https://kick.com/2tonwaffle


Check out our community servers

Discord: https://discord.gg/xDpzcugFws

Guilded: https://guilded.gg/indiebasement


Music used in many of our videos is from the following artists.

Streambeats by Harris Heller - https://www.senpai.tv/

Streamsight - https://streamsight.net/

Backing Track - https://backingtrack.gg/

Epidemic Sound - https://share.epidemicsound.com/q1miqk

Some links in this description are affiliate links and when clicked, if you buy the service or product, I may make a small commission from that sale. This helps keep this channel afloat. My opinions on products and services remain unbiased.

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