September 2nd, 2023 KI TAVO-Shabbat

1 year ago

As we prepare to take our inheritance which means becoming a people filled with His glory, a people full of light, and harvesters of souls, are we properly preparing for this. We have a freewill to choose to listen to Him or not. Joshua, who was anointed to lead the people after Moses said in the book of Joshua, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." In this teaching, we learn about being segullah (peculiar, special, and not like everyone else) because we follow God. When we follow Him, the blessings overtake us even if we have few friends. If we don't follow Him and we are not believers in God, the curses can overtake us. If you are in between, you may not be cursed, but you may remain immature in your walk with Him, not shining any light or glory, and not getting to know Messiah and for Him to know you in an intimate way.

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