Blessed are the Oppressed, but Woe to the Oppressors! (Pt. 14 in the series on Forgiveness)

1 year ago

It is unfortunately all too common for Survivors... those who've been deeply negatively impacted by extremely harmful and oppressive people... to be told that they need to forgive the perpetrator and "move on" no matter what, regardless of whether the perpetrator is genuinely repentant. Often, verses from the beginning of Mt. 5 will be referenced, to reinforce this misperception, suggesting that blessed are the poor, those who mourn, those who are humble, and the peacemakers, actually means that it is the responsibility of the Survivor to "let it go," and be "the bigger person", by dropping the issue... because that is supposed what God did for us. Sadly, that message is given to Survivors in churches and in counseling offices. Yet, that incorrect understanding of the "beatitudes" (Mt. 5: 3-12) will serve only to add insult to injury for the injured party, and enable the Oppressor to continue harming others. So, what is the message of Good News to the Oppressed from that section of Scripture? It is what Survivors longs to hear... that God is a just God, and that He will take up the cause of those who've been deeply injured and oppressed.

In the continuation of his in depth series on 'Forgiveness: What it is vs. is NOT,' Jon K. Uhler, LPC, looks at the Biblical concept of how God feels about the kinds of pain that moves God's heart on behalf of the injured, and against the perpetrator and oppressor. The good news for the Survivors is that God will act on their behalf, in order to show them that He cares deeply about their pain. Your pain matters to God. He will never ask you to "forget about it," because He doesn't forget about your pain.

Current Series on Forgiveness: What it is vs. What it is not.
(Pt. 1) Do You Have to Forgive Everyone, even if They're Not Sorry? What's the Truth?
(Pt. 2) Dispelling the Myth of Unconditional Forgiveness.
(Pt. 3) God's Cares Deeply for those Wounded & Harmed, NOT for the Hurtful Pigs & Perps.
(Pt. 4) Discerning when it is time to forgive.
(Pt. 5) Understanding when forgiveness is NOT to be extended.
(Pt. 6-a) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what?
(Pt. 6-b) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what?
(Pt. 7) Does "Love your enemies" mean everyone? Jesus' actual word might surprise you.
(Pt. 8) What exactly did Jesus mean by "Love your enemies?"
(Pt. 9) How does God feel about those who've harmed you?
(Pt. 10) God's justice will actively target oppressors on behalf of those they've hurt.
(Pt. 11) God's Heart is for the Oppressed, NOT the Oppressor.
(Pt. 12) Categories of Pain that move God's heart toward the Oppressed.
(Pt. 13) God's Good News to Those Harmed by Unrepentant Oppressors.

Jon K. Uhler, LPC, and Journey to Healing, can be watched live on, Friday nights, 8-9pm EST in the US.

Additional Journey to Healing Episodes

Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 1)
Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 1)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 2)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt 1)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt. 2)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 1)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 2)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 1)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 1)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 2)
Do your boundaries have "Goodness of Fit"? (Pt . 1)
Do your boundaries have "Goodness of Fit"? (Pt. 2)
How to be sure it is time to implement boundaries. (Pt. 1)
How to be sure it is time to implement boundaries. (Pt . 2)
When is it time for Boundaries? (Pt. 1)

For earlier recorded Episodes, visit:

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