Sean McCann on Cosmic Peach podcast 'circumcision is trauma based mind control'

1 year ago

Julia invited Sean McCann back to Cosmic Peach podcast to discuss the routine practice of genital mutilation known as circumcision. Current psyops have Americans thinking about saving children from unnecessary genital mutilation...great! save the babies! Just don't forget about all the other genital mutilation that goes unseen. Amnesia walls prevent us from realizing the extent of harm that circumcision causes in infant children. Genital mutilation is trauma based mind control and is used by many ancient dark occult orders as well as current ones. Everyone needs to know what has been done to them & those they love. Genital mutilation is satanic. Do not comply with routine genital mutilation. Don't allow your children or those you love be harmed. Spread the truth. Circumcision is done to damage the body & mind of the victim. There IS NO benefit from circumcision, IT ONLY CAUSES HARM. We all have the power to fight this one very easily. When the nurse asks if you want to circumcise your baby, the only answer is "NO". We do not have the right to remove healthy parts of someone else's body, why on earth would we do that to our own children? Circumcision is a violation of bodily autonomy. No one has the right to circumcise their baby. No matter what the dark occult priests try to tell you.
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