Ducks run in single file line to greet human

7 years ago

Take a look at the unique way that these ducks run down the hill towards their human. What a bunch of happy feet!

Isn't it amazing when you see your pets come to greet you with childlike excitement, after you've been gone for a while? That is what this woman surely experiences every time she calls her flock of ducks! They all come running towards her like puppies and gather around their owner. Such a heartwarming sight.

It isn't quite so odd to see domestic animals show their love to their owner in this manner. Geese have been known as unapproachable and bullish, but with some tender TLC, these two were transformed from a bunch of biting birds to lovable pets who come screaming to their owner when she calls them.

These big birds have a unique ability to imprint on what ever creature larger than themselves they see first when hatching. They basically know (they don't think it) that they are the same creature as who ever they see first. No one knows why this is happening in the bird's brain, but one thing is for certain, and that it that ducks and geese makes exceptional companions to humans!

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