Shala and the Twe3lve Prepare for big energies from the Sun

1 year ago

Shala and the Twe3lve Prepare for big energies from the Sun title is from the Channeling of Shala and the Twelve a council from Sirius B star system. Todays date September 3, 2023 gives us #19 the Sun card thus abundance warmth and love.
The message from Shala and the Council of Twelve warns us off major energies coming in to offset the Draco attack on Maui the heart chakra of earth Our galactic star family are going to bring in some positive energy to aid us in raising your vibration. They gave you some ways to do that too.

we did pull two starseed Oracle cards the first was the Cracked upen card Surrender to the Alchemy let it transform you into you Highest self. The secons c one was Lost Lands card which say to unlock your soul memories and gifts. which sort of mymics the message from Shala and the Council of TWelve.

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