What happens with climate on the Earth?

1 year ago

May be you did not notice what happens with climate on the Earth? I want to share information about climate disasters happened during August 2023. Aim is not to scare. Aim is to pay attention.

You may think, ah, all this happened somewhere else. Around me all is ok. How do you think how many people, for example, in Hawaii or Tenerife expected such wildfires? All happens unexpectedly… And none can guarantee that climate disasters will not affect your home, loved ones... Human consciousness operates in such a way, that our thoughts are that all will be ok, government will help, or someone else will solve. But, please, ask yourself what are the basis for such opinion?

What is the reason of all this? Detailed information you can find in forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out | International Online Forum. April 22, 2023” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKMIjALqMQ4). Also you can find information in Dr. Egon Cholakian Youtube channel Earth Save Science Collaborative (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx4cjH5S-4kqlbJysfJTEnw). But in short there is an impact from outside the Earth. The process is cyclical. Now we are at beginning of culmination of the cycle. And we really must be prepared to go through what is coming.

So, what we should do, what we can do? What we should do is to inform people about real situation, real reason of the situation. And we must demand from government to take certain measures to foresee climate disasters and reduce the negative consequences for people. We must do it all together. If many people will demand, the government will be forced to meet the demands of the people. We need scientists to find real solution (not the nonsense regarding CO2 emissions). And scientists can do that if instead of creating new weapons, they will work with climate problems.

Please, aware what is happening, create posts, videos and inform others. You can translate information to your native language and share the information.

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