Enchanted Forest: Fairy-Folk Music

1 year ago

Welcome to the Enchanted Forest, where fairy folk make music in pocket dimensions... ancient satyrs & modern mystics make Music for inner peace... designed by the moment itself, through a synergy of creative forces... Take eleven minutes out of your busy day & have a sound bath in the forest with the Sacred Earth Family & the Tongue of Trees... in Makawao town, On Maui there is a secret place called the Sacred Garden, a land of Labyrinths & mystical people. The Sacred Earth family, made of music & dance & art... come through like a whirlwind stirring the trees to sing & dance with us! We invite you into the ceremony of innocence...

Featuring Blue Mountain on Flute & Drum
Miraya Delamar Sacred Dance
Elion TruthHeart on Peruvian Mandolin
DreamingBear on HandPan

Sacred Garden Labyrinth Maui Hawaii

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