What agenda is Xi Jinping really pushing?

1 year ago

9/2/2023 【@NFSCSpeaks Infiltration Files】DVS 7.0: The CCP fabricates all kinds of economic data and covers up all the disasters happening in Communist China. What agenda is Xi Jinping really pushing behind allowing these things to happen? If no one realizes his agenda in time and takes him down while he is still weak, then his plan is likely to succeed.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/2/2023 【新中国联邦Infiltration Files节目】美国说唱歌手DVS 7.0:中共造假各种经济数据,掩盖中共国内各种灾害的发生,习近平允许这些事情发生的背后到底在推进什么样日程?如果没人及时意识到习正在谋划的事情,趁他虚弱之机拿下他,那他的计划就很可能得逞。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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