The Kabbalah Messiah, The Bird from Below

1 year ago

See my article about this here:

The Jews teach a different creation story in the Kabbalah than that of the Bible. It's important to note that they use these rabbinical texts (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar) to interpret the Torah. This replaces the plain reading of the text, actually exalting their rabbinical teachings above the Bible.
In their creation narrative they teach that God was created by Ein-Sof (nothingness, the unknowable God). Ein-Sof created Elohim, which to them is Keter, the top circle on the Kabbalah tree. Why is this relevant, and why do we need to know this? Because the Kabbalah tree is the map of all their insane erroneous teachings about God and the end times. They have their own version of the end times scenario and the Messiah they expect, defined by their rabbinical writings.

I was pretty shocked to find out they say their Messiah comes from inner earth, or the underworld. They say he's been there for thousands of years. This would place him having gone there when Jesus defeated the powers and principalities back when he rose from the dead. This entity resides there because, I believe, he's restricted to be there for now. I think his true identity is probably Apollyon or Abaddon. Orthodox Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadock says that the caves below Jerusalem are a portal to this underworld. He astral projects quite a bit to talk to the entities there he says who are many species and among them "Reptilians".
My video shows that the Jewish sources teach that their future Messiah is hiding out in "the bird's nest" in the inner earth and will rise to wage war and take vengeance for the Jews and establish their Kingdom on earth. What I noticed is that they say their Messiah will perform signs and wonders and that there will be a pillar of fire. We often overlook that the Bible says the end times menace character or the Beast, will do signs and wonders and call down fire. While it's the trend right now for folks to identify Donald Trump as the Antichrist, keep in mind that he hasn't done any miracles. He's certainly a player, no doubt, and has his role. But he doesn't seem to fit the Biblical description of the Beast in full, unless he can pull off some miracles in the future.

My new video shows the scenario the Kabbalist Jews are expecting according to their own literature they claim is inspired. Does the average Jew believe this? I don't know, but what I do know is that their spiritual leaders do, and they are currently in power in Israel - Chabad Lubavitch. Interestingly, they are of Russian descent. And even more interesting is that President Putin of Russia is Jewish, as well as most of NATO. (See Fritzinfo). I mention this because, as you know, Putin often equates the West with Satan while claiming to have virtuous values over there in Russia. See more at my Website:

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