Episode 1472: Our Lady Mother of the Good Shepherd

1 year ago

The Feast of Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd is a Capuchin devotion of Spanish origin, and has been for more than a century the patroness of all Capuchin missions throughout the world.
The devotion to Mary as the Good Shepherdess began in the 17th century with the Capuchin friar, St. Bruno of Segni. He was inspired by the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd in John 10:11-14:
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away. The wolf chases the sheep and scatters them. The hired hand runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."
St. Bruno saw Mary as the Good Shepherdess who, like Jesus, cares for her flock and protects them from harm. He wrote a prayer to her in which he called her "the Mother of the Good Shepherd, who leads us to the green pastures of eternal life."
"O Mother of the Good Shepherd, who leads us to the green pastures of eternal life, I come to you today as a lost sheep. I have wandered far from the path of righteousness, and I need your help to find my way back.

"You are the one who gave birth to the Good Shepherd, and you know his ways. Please intercede for me with him, and ask him to forgive my sins and to lead me back to him.

"I know that I am not worthy of your help, but I beg you to have mercy on me. I promise that I will turn away from my sins and that I will follow you and the Good Shepherd all the days of my life.

"Mother of the Good Shepherd, I place my trust in you. Please help me to be a good shepherd to others, as Jesus taught us to do. Amen."
The devotion to Mary as the Good Shepherdess spread throughout the Capuchin Order, and in 1703 Pope Clement XI granted permission for the feast to be celebrated in all Capuchin churches. The feast was later extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1885.
The image of Mary as the Good Shepherdess is often depicted as a young woman holding a lamb in her arms. She is often surrounded by other sheep, representing the faithful who are under her care. The feast is a reminder of Mary's love for us and her willingness to protect us from harm. It is also a reminder of our own responsibility to care for others, as Jesus taught us to do.
The Feast of Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd is a beautiful celebration of Mary's love and compassion. It is a time to reflect on her role as our spiritual mother and to ask her to help us to be good shepherds to others.

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